JC-Bela pet time with Latte, Hunter, Melon and Leonard

Having so much tight school time schedule and work-from-home workload is a bit stressful even for our pet livestock especially the guard dogs as they always long for our tender loving care.  Finding time to have fun and play with them provide magic to both of us leaving you with a nice satisfying feeling that will make your day jolly and happy.  So find ways to relax and mingle right from your very own home.

Watching our kids having fun with our pet guard dogs is so much joy feeling every day.  Finding time with your loved pet dogs is like stress therapy for us from the daily workload.

Give love to your pets as they will love you back more…

Our Pet Guard Dogs having fun with our kiddos after their class.

Latte, Hunter, Melon & Leonard

The Alpha Dog named Leonard is a very kind dog but so perfect as a day-night watch guard dog as he certainly barks anyone outside the perimeter.

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