Adding flood control drainage outlet in our permagarden frontyard

Our front yard Perma garden has been tested by Typhon Paeng’s continuous rainfall resulting flood that nearly reaches our main door. 

Our water run-off harvester-composting drainage system wasn’t able to release the volume of water coming from the back of our house and from the rain collected from the roof. 

 I was forced to make an additional overflow outlet from the garden to the garage ground water harvester storage in the middle of the typhon. … such an epic as I have to manually make a 2-inch diameter hole by hand from the 8 inches thick cement wall as it is impossible for me to use the electric drill.

Solution: Add-on flood control drainage outlet

Using the companion planting-growing system provides great advantages and benefits.

Vibrant, shiny and healthy plants

Companion panting-growing provides such beauty to your garden or indoor application leaving you with a cozy zen and stress-free environment.

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